“I always paid attention to quality ingredients when it came to food, but when I switched to Kangen Water™, I realized I had been intaking toxins and missing out nutritionally for years by not paying attention to quality water”

- E. Knight

Founder, Watchful Waters Wellness

Hi! I’m Emma Knight, private nutritional chef and owner of Watchful Waters Wellness.

It all began with a need; a primal desire and responsibility to give my son the very best food and water for his development. As a new mother, I had a strong pull toward wholesome ingredients to help support a healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding journey which sent me on a personal wellness journey that would lead me to discovering the power of restructured, reduced, electrolyzed alkaline water, also known as Kangen Water™.

Switching to Kangen Water™ allowed me to remove the need for plastic store bought items, helps me properly clean my produce and break down hydrophobic pesticides for my clients, and serves as an important part of balancing my body’s pH and reduce my risk of chronic illness and cancer cell development.

As a chef, I have especially enjoyed using Kangen Water™ in my recipes, increasing the antioxidant value, maximizing nutritive values, and highlighting flavor profiles in meals for my clients.

I’m honored to have the opportunity as an Enagic independent distributor to share this water with families around the globe and introduce simple recipes helping families incorporate alkaline foods and water into their diets for optimum health in a manageable way.

Begin your wellness journey right from home.