Kangen Water™

A Japanese term meaning ‘return to origin’

To fully understand the power of Kangen Water™, we must first understand the waters of ‘blue zones’ around the world. The water sources in these regions are rich in molecular hydrogen and other essential minerals and nutrients and carry an energetic charge that has been known to be beneficial for our health by helping blood flow, reducing inflammation, and hydrating cells on a deeper level than other water sources. People in these regions, specifically women, happen to have the longest life expectancy and the lowest or in some cases, non existent cancer rates.

The Japanese company Enagic has dedicated the last 50 years to mastering the science behind water ionization, to replicate these ‘blue zone’ waters, so that every family in the world has access to molecular hydrogen rich, electrolyte rich, re-structured, alkalized water to further protect themselves from harmful toxins and help rid themselves of cancer and disease causing free radicals.

These ionizers are used around the world in hospitals and cancer treatment centers, as the science behind water ionization and the harnessing of molecular hydrogen has long been accepted around the globe for its efficient and effective hydration and antioxidative properties.

So how does this water ionization work? Through a process of electrolysis, water H2O is broken down into molecular hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O) in their gas forms. After clicking your desired pH setting, the machine will run your tap water through a filter and over platinum coated titanium plates during the electrolysis process. Then the machines filters out acidic water from the bottom hose and alkaline water from the other main top hose.


Ways to experience Kangen Water™

“My Nephew who is 3 yrs old that just arrived from the Philippines has eczema. Since they arrived I personally give him a bath using anespa [spa], now it cleared out his eczema. He's been in his 3rd month using Anespa”

-Sharon Villanueva Cadorna

  • Yes! Enagic has extremely generous payment plan options ranging from 3-24 months. Remember that this is a one time investment in your health and the value of upgrading to a water ionizer will reflect in your health & wellbeing for the rest of your life.

  • Tap water used for showering contains high levels of chlorine and other chemicals that cause our skin and hair to dry out. Enagic’s Anespa Spa turns your shower into spring water, remineralizing and filtering out chlorine and other impurities in your bathing water. Likewise, Enagic’s K8 countertop ionizer gives you 2.5 pH water and 6.0 Beauty water, both seen to have positive effects on skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. If you are someone who suffers from skin conditions, upgrading your drinking and bathing water sources are both great long term solutions.

  • Kangen Water™ from Enagic’s water ionizers is an effective and natural way to clean skin has been known to be beneficial in helping treat symptoms of a number of skin conditions such as eczema & psoriasis.

    Kangen Water™ has higher levels of molecular hydrogen, allowing it to penetrate cells more efficiently, promoting quicker healing.

  • Studies show that most chronic diseases, cancers, and conditions stem from an over acidification, so when we drink true alkaline water from an ionizer, you are able to neutralize your body’s pH and create an internal environment where these diseases and cancer cells are less likely to survive.

    Furthermore, Hydrogen is in its molecular form, as we see in Kangen Water™, it is the world’s most potent and smallest antioxidant and is able to penetrate cells and protect them from oxidative stress and free radicals which are often the root of chronic illness, inflammation, and cancer cell growth.

  • Turmeric “Ukon” is a member of the ginger family. These teas are rich in curcumin and have been used for health since the Ryuku Dynasty, dating back to 1429-1879.

    The Ukon supplements contain turmeric, flaxseed oil, primrose oil, perilla oil (a potent omega-3 fatty acid) tocotrienol (a potent form of vitamin E derived from rice) folic acid, niacin (an essential nutrient needed for healthy liver function).

    The ingredients of these supplements are grown in Kangen Water™ and are rich in vitamin B1 which helps break down carbohydrates & essential for nerve function, B2 which is important for metabolic processes, B12 which is essential for regulating red blood cell formation, C which promotes antioxidative actions to protects cells, and E, a fat-soluble antioxidant key in protecting cells from oxidative stress and free radicals.

If you are READY TO upgraDE your water or want more information on Kangen Water™ for home or health, contact Emma.


“Kangen technology has truly changed my life in a way that I’m able to concentrate again instead of being a prisoner to the brain fog and mental confusion of ongoing gut sensitivities, I can feel the next level hydration in my skin as well and I have more energy.”

-JAmie, Sydney

I am so grateful to have my Kangen system in my life, I feel like I’ve been reverse aging and since I focus on skeletal health and fitness the long term effects of drinking ionised water are fascinating me.”